Friday, May 10, 2019

Global Warming a Hotly Debated Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Warming a Hotly Debated Topic - Essay ExampleHis greatest critical review focuses on the Stern report, upon which many separate global thawing proponents have based their claims. He begins by pointing out Sterns lack of acknowledgement regarding the various scientific studies that refute that global warming is happening, as a responsible scientific research study should do, and then moves on to attack other aspects of Sterns scientific method. He is guilty of misreading the data, of distorting the manifest to suit his political know dogma, of throwing numbers about with reckless abandon, of promoting alarmism in place of rational discussion, and of reinventing climate history. Refuting Sterns climatical claims, Lindzen offers verifiable dates regarding scientific inventions that facilitated accurate record keeping, but offers no sources to back up his other statements regarding evidence of a warmer Middle Ages or a colder 17th century, an expanding Greenland or the reaso ns behind increases in polar bear numbers. In his criticism, he accuses Stern and others of having a hidden agenda, centered on providing more antecedent and money to those in positions of leadership, making the Stern report little more than political rhetoric. Although his stated mathematical function is to open up the global debate to explore other possible causes of global warming, he offers only when an attack on the Stern report, backed by a hypocritical lack of outside sources or acknowledgement of dissension in the ranks of supporters. The newspaper article was initiated in support of an upcoming network telecasting special in which the Global Warming issue was to be examined in terms of its invalidity or at least lack of full investigation and hard evidence.

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