Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Do You Use Two Spaces After A Period?

Do You Use Two Spaces After A Period?The question, 'Do you use two spaces after a period?' is somewhat vague and should be answered with some specific questions and examples.First of all, proper grammar is the best way to achieve your intended goal. As long as you aren't using filler words in place of a proper noun (i.e.'his term paper on Shakespeare was so well researched and well written that he feels he'll be going into the political arena shortly'), then you are on the right track.So if you want to write a paper on Greek Mythology, is the number two a good format for college papers? Yes. But you have to be sure of your answer before you write it down because there are too many exceptions.An example for college papers, then, would be to write a paper on Egyptian Mythology using the exact same rules as writing on Greek Mythology, such as knowing the different names of gods and goddesses that can each be capitalized and using the proper words (such as 'Father'. 'Son'Daughter').If yo u don't see two spaces after a period and a comma following a period, then you have other options. You could include some extra spaces around the letter or make a simple note of this and then continue on with your piece.If you have a proper noun, don't forget to capitalize it (but not in the middle of a sentence). If you want to add a parenthetical reference to the source of the information in the paper, leave the space.If you are being asked to write a paper on a legal, political, or social issue, you would be wise to find out which word(s) it is that you must use and then include them in your essay. Then you can avoid the question, 'Do you use two spaces after a period?'

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